Quote Barry_McKenzie="Barry_McKenzie" I fully expect to be banned from the site next.
Sorry mate, we don't have a policy banning people just because they are not capable of defending themselves in a debate.
Stop looking at things in isolation, some things work, some don't and most have been tried many many times before, listen up when people who know tell you that league clubs don't work in the UK, because they don't, listen up when people tell you that the hard core supporter base is spread very wide across the South East meaning travelling into London outside of game days simply for a mickey up, won't work.
Your point about the chain rattlers not giving a stuff to come down the Stoop for a game is very valid, hence why no marketing is worth it's while being aimed at them.
Your point about the sport not being in the psyche of the Southern public is also valid and well known, hence all marketing should be aimed at our local community and on organic growth of the love of the sport for many decades.