First off is the show piece event that is Old Trafford that once upon a time was one of the fastest growing one off sporting events with attendances rising dramatically from 1998 to 2006. Since 2006 Old Trafford attendance has declined from an all time high of 72,582 to just 68,810 in 2008.
2006 saw Hull FC contest in the show piece event for the first time which is probably the reason for the increased attendance. Still Hull FC was blown away by St Helens 26–4 which proves that the monopoly that the big four have in super league has still yet to be broken. The two Grand Finals after that saw Leeds and St Helens contesting with Leeds Rhinos winning them both.
A lot of people are probably expecting another Leeds v St Helens Grand Final. If this does happen then we need more dramatic changes in Super League than we think. Ok anyone can beat anyone in the league and the game is getting harder each year but not anyone can reach Old Trafford apart from the odd one in 2006. The odd one could happen this year will Hull KR which will probably see Old Trafford attendances on the rise but will this mean an improvement to SL?
Well Hull FC broke the contender monopoly but their haven’t done much since. Hull FC I must admit where an admirable team that year that at their best could of won St Helens at Old Trafford. If Hull KR attend this year show piece event and lose it will just be the same old story. If they win then is it thanks to the franchising and salary caps?
If Hull KR win at Old Trafford this year will it help our chance at international level more?
Lets look at this years world club champions Manly Sea Eagles who are currently residing in 13th spot after 11 rounds. This years World Club Challenge for me was the biggest wake up call I’ve ever had. I though my Leeds Rhinos should become the third team to compete in the state of origin at one point. I’ve never seen my beloved Rhinos been dismantled like that ever!
Anyways Manly Sea Eagles are struggling to keep up with the pace of the NRL this year because of the new two ref system that has been bough in. At first I though it was just a myth that the NRL has improved this year until I saw a highlight reel with my very own eyes. It was as my friend described Super League but with much better players. He couldn’t of been talking about this years super league but super league of old. The NRL no more to me resembles the bore it used to be. In fact its easy to say that the entertainment value has well and truly swapped around this year with the NRL been the most entertaining rugby league competition in this world.
Super League is in danger of becoming in danger of becoming the bore that the NRL once was. In my opinion we need to scrap the salary cap in this country as its clearly not working. This seemed even more clear in the world cup last year when we was humiliated by our southern hemisphere friends. Do you seriously think that this England elite is capable of rugby league dominance for more than one game or one test series? The state of super league is effecting our international ambitions IMO but that’s another debate that belongs in the International Rugby League section of these forums.
Now onto the overseas quota. I agree we need to bring in more English players but good English players. I would rather see a good Australian / New Zealander play on the wing than a rubbish English player. If you had a choice between Kevin Penny (one time dream team member) or Manu Vatuvei it would be of course Manu Vatuvei. Its about time we scrapped the over sea’s quota because it is crippling our competitions standard. Young English players need to learn off to best to be the best and there learning nothing off the likes of Kevin Penny!
The salary cap should be as Post said on another topic -
Quote post="post"Scrap the Salary cap and replace it with what post said “teams can spend half of what they earn and that is it because clubs aren't getting rewarded for making profits etc'"
Its also about time we acted like French Rugby Union and the English football premiership by getting the best players in the world of either code to play in our league. I would love to see the likes of Dan Carter, Shane Williams and Danny Ciprini playing in super league. However thanks to the current climate we’ll never see such quality playing in this league thanks to the salary cap that will make sure such talent like these will get better wage packets elsewhere.
Are you happy with Super League at the moment?