Quote ash4hullfc="ash4hullfc"Well you're just wrong then.
It is a 100% fact that that [inot[/i 'every other ground in the UK allows its supporters home and away to enjoy a nice pint of lager or bitter whilst watching their favourite rugby league or football side.''"
If it makes you feel superior, then ok then, it wasn't 100% fact. I should have said the majority of stadiums allow for their fans to drink on the terracing or seating areas.
As for Standee who posted [i'idiots that get bevvied up already cause enough trouble when the smoking ban first came in, expecting them to differentiate between football and RL is a step too far.'[/i
Bevvied up idiots do attend sporting matches yes, so if what your saying is true, we should ban alcohol altogether in the stadium. I personally dont see the purpose of it been sold if you cant drink it on the terra...I mean seating area.
Would you rather have the odd one or two drunken idiots sat next to you, or a frail old man who spills his entire coffee over your head when the team scores and end up having to miss the rest of the matches because of third degree burns? I know who i'd rather be sat next too.