Quote rugbyball="rugbyball"Ok I will help you out, of course some of it is Fev bias, but not all of it my friend. I understand your capitalist ideals really I do, however not everybody holds your view. You took offence at the way the nimbys have run their campaign and to be honest I think they have done a poor job too, their are clear areas where they have real grounds and they should stick to these. To look at the other side of the agrument let me take you back to the first public meeting YC held on the development, it was hardly advertised except for on here, and then at the meeting the emphisis was on the stadium, lots of pretty pictures of what the stadium etc yet know real details on the how the units would look! Call me cynical but you can see where Im going. Indeed you could say this is fair game, but in my opinion the meeting was a chance for local residents to have their minds put at ease, instead it was taken over by WTWC from all corners of the district. I also note this meeting was used as affirmation of support at the planning hearing.'"
Capitalist you say! You clearly don't have any grasp on my politics... as this would not be a description most people who know me would use at all... pro-development, free market, pro-European and social democracy yes, capitalist no. I know not everybody holds my views but I have explained time and time and time and time again why I hold my views... have you?
I didn't take offence at the way they ran they campaign, I was upset by their take on morality and values in the way they presented their arguments.
As for the 'voluntary' consultation event at the Stanley Church centre, I read about it in the Wakefield Express not on here! I understand that the YEP, Ridings FM and Real Radio also rans stories about the event... hardly low-key. I don't think could afford a full one page add in the Times though! The objection groups keep saying that this was low-key but they have several of there own meetings directly with Yorkcourt, Denise Jefferey and other Wakefield and Leeds councillors. The buggers did not invite me, very low key! They don't like what they heard, so they convert this into no consultation and the classic... we are not been listened to! Do they know that some people hold different views to them... the majority of Wakefield Council and the whole of the planning committee for one!
As for the plans, I saw the same ones as everyone else did, which was the original application drawings... warehouse units and all! Did you actual go, I did, and they were the same (first issues) drawings you will find on the planning portal right now. I saw lots of local people (remember, I know quite a few of them, being a local and all) looking at plans and in general they understood and where happy. Did they not get something like 250 forms completed and only 10 or so anti comments.
Quote rugbyball="rugbyball"On the jobs front the amounts of NEW jobs are unclear. Lets say for example Morrisons decided that their current site is unsuitable and outdated and they move to Newmarket they would not be creating new jobs, in fact jobs may be lost due to new tech and more efficient working practises. I remember you using the argument that much of the available to let warehousing in the district is out of date, when countering the claim that their are units un let. These out of date units in reality will be pulled down and new buildings could replace them which would count against the legal requirement. Also when it comes to the legal requirement it is over a set number of years and although there may not be the required land at the minute, over the time frame land will become available.'"
Of course they are unclear, you can only estimate and those estimates are based on known statistics for this type of development... and that will include relocation jobs. Morrison's is a bad example, they would only ever want more space as they are expanding as a business. There is a strong rumour Tesco have their eye on the big unit (as well as other sites in the area I understand) and they will be almost all new jobs.
What I said was is that there is not much available space in the Wakefield district and the small amount of space that was available were generally older spec units and mostly not suitable for more modern distribution operations. These units will probably be taken, when growth returns, by low grade warehousing operations for which they are only suitable.
As for the LDF then it is plan period 2011 to 2022 for the additional (you understand this word, it means as well as the stuff already there!) 95ha and I would anticipate the site not being fully occupied until towards the end of this plan period (as do Yorkcourt) as no spec units will be built.
Quote rugbyball="rugbyball"On the stadium front, I may be wrong here but I suspect that it is not being paid for by YC rather the land is being given bye YC. And more so I think the community would better benefit from a facility like Ponds Forge in Sheffield not a stadium only to be used by one team, and a couple of 3g pitches. The notion that these facilities will be "world class" or some how will put Wakefield on the map are just daft, you do not hear people saying "Bolton that place with the world class stadium and sports facilities, lets go their".'"
This is your daftest comment yet. Why would Wakefield build an Olympic size swimming pool complex when there is a brand new one for West Yorkshire in South Leeds? I know, I occasional do dive (scuba) training in the dive pit. What Wakefield needs is a community stadium and more so the outdoor and indoor field sports training facilities. This is in the LDF too! As for your Bolton comment, I think that is more daft than your Ponds Forge comment!
Quote rugbyball="rugbyball"One final point is you say you started your campaign out of frustration at the untruths spread by the nimbys yet you rarely correct untruths on here. For example The Clan talked about Greenbelt this morning totally out of context in his post to the PM.
Ps please excuse the grammar, spelling, and punctuation etc, I know you use this as some sore of intellect scoring system.'"
I think the other people have already corrected you on what Clan was meaning and I understood what he was trying to say, he is layman and is not deliberately trying to deceive anyone... unlike some of the prominent objectors! He also said 92ha and it's 95ha... did you miss this one. I didn't but decided it would be rather pedantic to point this out!
And as other have said, I never attack peoples spelling or grammar... however, I occasional recommend Firefox!