Quote cadoo="cadoo"I never said people were calling him rubbish, but people are putting the mockers on him. They are completely ignoring his performances in Super League when coming out with statements like 'he will never make it with his size' when he clearly is capable of playing first team rugby at this level. He was great last season before he got injured. Short memories some people have. Ignore his size, ignore his age, ignore any comparison with Prescott and just concentrate on his performances on the pitch is what I say.
He held down a regular first team place for the first 7 weeks of Super League before he got injured. On that basis I think he has the capabilities of doing so. But you also contradict yourself in your statement you have said:
But then go on to say, in the very next sentence!
Unless I have misunderstood what you have put - which one is it?
Teams that are challenging for titles - you're right - wont come knocking for him, but what makes you think they will for Prescott? The top teams seem to be able to produce their own forwards anyway or are generally not interested in young forwards because they dont reach their peak till later on in their careers. Either way I don't see what relevance it has, but FWIW, O'carroll was getting pestered to go and play for Ireland again after a very impressive World Cup, where he stood his ground against some of the worlds best. However the lad decided it was best to get a good pre-season behind him and have a good season with us. I say give him a shot!'"
I didn't contrdict myself I said this
"I believe O'C will play quite a bit of SL However at the Top Level I think he will struggle to hold down a Regular Front Line Position.
He could however easily play Many Years as a 1st team regular but IMHO teams that want and are challenging for Honours won't be knocking our door down for him?"
Which meant that at a Top Club Challenging for honour he Won't hold down a regular Front line Props position (Meaning ourselves Hopefully)
At a club that is mid-table, less pressurised etc (Don't want to be disrespectful & name clubs) He will play SL Level.
I never said that Clubs will knock down the door for Prescott, I just think if you asked other clubs to pick one or the other more would pick Prescott than O'C IMO?
My frustration with this thread is more to do with the fact that some people who, and their entitled to their opinion of course, Like O'C and IMO are looking to manufatcure a reason for him to get picked in front of Prescott.
As others have said, his game time is more than Feka's, MM has picked him over O'C so he must rate him, His yards per carry are up there with the others & his errors are the same as Fielden and far less than Coley who everyones raving about?
I don't get where this Loose carry thing comes from? Yes, he has dropped 1 ball a game but then again so has each of the other forward if not more?
Top Line
If O'C gets picked this week, fair enough, it won't keep me up at night worrying over it and if the team keeps winning there will be no-one happier than me!
If Prescott/Fielden/Feka are rested to accomodate him as MM feels that rest will benefit that particular individual down the line then Go for it.
I just think Prescott has done pretty much everything that has been asked of him and I don't see a reason to "DROP" him as some of the other posters have intimated earlier due to him not performing.