Quote Cruncher="Cruncher"You make it sound criminally negligent by the chairman. Yet look at what you're actually saying: we've got 5 props, but they're not working out so we need to buy more.
Where does that mentality end?
If you've got underperforming players, you don't keep on buying new men for that position, with more and more men sitting in the stand.
He inherited a situation where we had 5 props on contract. At least two of those props are, or recently were, international standard. Surely it's a better option to try to get the coach to bring them back to form rather than spending money on yet more props?
To call it a stubborn attitude is one way to look at it, but you could also call it's a realistic appraisal of a difficult situation.'"
But that's DaveO opinion of what IL did it so it must be right!
Bear in mind when we had 5 props I also asked the question if there not good enough then How many do we want!
I don't believe O'Carroll is good enough but if he had got rid of him he would have been slated again!
Coley & Fielden aint performing, certainly in Fieldens case, not up to the level that his wages warrant, but what do we do???
He can't make them leave, He can't reduce their money currently!!!!
What if they have tried to sign other props but they wouldn't come for the money we had available????
What if they just didn't want to come?????
So we had the option of signing 2 x backs that did want to come and we could get them under the cap by whatever means for this season, it doens't mean he could get the right Priops!
He could just have got it Wrong!
Does DaveO know factually 100% gauranteed which one of these is the truth??
We can all sit back and see that were short of Grunt up front, putting it right isn't always a Quick thing to do and not always possible immediately!