Quote rupe1="rupe1"You fail to answer my question - why have thousands of people stopped going? If the product is as wonderful as you suggest, why have people STOPPED GOING?'"
I have already stated to you I do not know. I have not said the product is wonderful either - it hasn't changed as drastically as you make out. Thousands of people have not stopped going either so I have no idea why you think that. Look at our crowds at GF and you'll see we certainally have not lost thousands but don't let that get in the way of your pathetic little argument.
Quote rupe1="rupe1"We haven't met so why hurl out abuse such as 'bitter recluse' simply because I post something that you disagree with?'"
No denying it then. I see.
Quote rupe1="rupe1"
I don't think theres anything wrong with league and union groundsharing, however our transformation into Harlequins is an insult to League and all it stands for. I suggest you read 'The forbidden game' by Mike Rylance to understand that point of view - you consider it archaic, I consider it a betrayal of history.'"
I am very familiar with the Forbidden Game thanks. Do you really think it has any relevance to our situation at all? Get over it, move on, everyone else has. Both RL and RU are completely different now and why you think comparing us taking the name of Harlequins has anything to do with the actions of the Vichy government i'll never know.
Quote rupe1="rupe1"
As for 'really exciting players', I would consider, with the exception of Salford and Celtic for obvious reasons, that every other teams recent recruitment has been more 'exciting' than ours. Even in comparison to clubs like Cas and Wakefield our signings are dramatically less 'exciting'.
We have become a club renowned for playing the dullest RL in Super League - thats not coming from me, thats coming from many voices within the game.'"
Please inform us all of the "exciting" recruitment other teams having been taking part in. Which "exciting" players have we missed out that we could have signed? I'm looking forward to this.
Quote rupe1="rupe1"
Williamson is half decent, I wasn't 'bagging' him as you suggest but there are hundreds of players like him and to use a quota spot, which you will be happy to know I am well aware of, is in my opinion a terrible waste.'"
Steele Retchless used a quota spot. He became a London legend and was as unspectcular as they come. I know of few players like Williamson in the league. Please, name a few that compare.