Quote Elite Skolar="Elite Skolar"be interested to know what you mean?'"
You should know what BG means.
Whilst the person who runs the Skolars has their best interest at heart, there were a number of people in varying positions of management/influence who thought that this event may have had a better outcome if held at TW2, with Skolars game/Quins game (v Bradford), beer festival, estate of origin (kwality name by the way), live bands etc etc etc...
The fact that the Skolars dismissed this idea, which they were entitled to do, in my honest opinion, does them no favours. We will get the usual 3,500/4,000 for the rescheduled game v Bradford and Skolars may get their 2,000, but I believe that if combined, we could have added at least another 1,500 to the overall total. Skolars would have raised their profile and received more cash. The Game iin London itself may well have got a bit of a boost too.
As it is, the Heritage day you held was (again IMO) not the success that Skolars had hoped for. It added 300 to your gate and you got tonked on the pitch. It was my first (and probably last) visit to watch the Skolars and whilst I applaud the work being done in North East London, we really should be working together more.
As for the Capital Challenge.....I wonder how many city types would turn up to that to see Skolars v Broncos? Not as many as Skolars v HARLEQUINS I would think.