Quote The Penguin="The Penguin"Bugger that. If the idea is we are dropping down to re-build, it needs to happen now. If we're going to release a load of our high earners and play largely with kids next year, there is absolutely no point doing it in SL. Give the kids a chance and drop down, to give them the best chance of bedding in and building a viable championship side for SL re-entry - if that is what the club is thinking'"
I agree. I'm a northerner exiled to Woking due to my job. It amazes me how many amature teams there are playing RL in and around the capital. Kids and the amature sport is the way to go here. Lets get people who want to play for London and not just for a pay day boost like most of the signings you guys have made.(Wigan In The CC SF)
Then I think people in London will sit up and take note as they can relate to the guys on the pitch.
A wire fan