Quote Sheepridge Giant="Sheepridge Giant"Ha ha,just totally clueless as per usual,could go into detail but wasting my breath.
The motto of the soccer lot must be 'never let the facts get in the way of repeating clueless poop over and over again' But it's still poop.
You sold your soul to a chancer called Rubery you have to live with that.So does Hoyle.
Your campaign cannot be taken seriously,even if you do riot outside the Pharm,(and soccer fans know all about those tactics)it still doesn't matter,you are in the wrong.'"
No go into detail, please. How am I wrong? How are we in the wrong?
What is it that you know that we don't that makes our campaign so futile?
If you can't back up what your saying there's no point in opening your mouth to begin with, it makes you look stupid.
Quote Sheepridge Giant="wishy"Why has Hoyle backed out over just £25k??? Something is fishy and it isn't Davy here however you look at him!!!! Principles?? He's losing money he's admitted that himself so why back out of something he'll gain from??? Hmmm maybe even with the 40% back he'll still be losing money just a thought!! Morals and ethics don't come into it but even the council say Davy is a good guy!!! Please where would these 40% shares be if Davy hadn't come in and rescued Town? Would they still be rightfully Towns?? And yet the so called baddie isn't refusing to relinquish them so why give him a hard time?? If he was such a devious person he'd point blank refuse to even speak to Hoyle about them or if he did he'd want to gain far more than what he's asking he's wanting something that's FAIR don't you understand???'"
Hoyle himself stated that the £25k is immaterial.* On the grand scheme of things it's a speck of dust but it's the principle. Davy moved the goalposts at the last minute. After agreeing the transfer of the shares back for £2 and the repayment of Davy's investment in Town (plus interest) Davy at the last minute says the rental formula must revert back to it's original standing.* Now if you're talking about fishy let's talk about things we know as fact.
Davy changed the formula agreement from what he now wants it back again to what it is now. He, himself. This is after he secretly transferred the shares away from HTFC and into his own holding company* (oh yours to, don't forget you too also have no shares in our ground). When pressed on the new rental formula he introduced by FFA & HTSA he said it was set in stone and could not be changed* Now he's saying that somehow this was lost in translation and it is in no way permanent* [iHe also states that he has not moved the goalposts in any way and has not changed his demands in regards to the transfer of the shares*, and that his insistence that the rental formula agreement revert back to its original state is not connected to the transfer of the shares*, but that without Hoyle's agreement to revert it back he will not transfer the shares*.[/i
The non-stop contradiction highlighted in italic actually all came out in ONE email to a Town fan asking questions. It's unbelievable.
The asterisk's are to show that there is direct quotes and proof from the last week alone of this stuff. So if you're going to reply wiping his shyster ar$ehole don't waste time with here say and propaganda.
Does it sit fine with all of you that the Giants have no share in the ground?