Quote atomic="atomic"Your statement is incorrect,as you were stating a figure that includes the opposition FACT..If you would care to support your opinion by adding how many of the Leigh referrals there were and actually carried a charge, I would agree with your opinion (NOT)..But you are going all round the houses to make a point thats not there.FACT.'"
No, the statement was factually correct. The point I was making, was that we (along with Halifax, Wakefield and Featherstone) were involved in three games where there were 34 referrals to the Disciplinary. As explained, I was not making the statement that there were 34 Leigh players.
To me, the Wakefield game didn't seem that bad, as I've stated. I didn't see the Featherstone game, so can't comment on that, but, in my opinion, (and that of several others sitting near me) the Halifax game was a disgrace, irrespective of who started what.
Seventeen Leigh players were referred from those three matches, with three suspended - Armstrong, Acton and Haggerty, all from the Halifax game. Hock could become a fourth suspension, from the Featherstone game, if proven guilty.