Quote FredParky="FredParky"Right I too was disgusted by the timing of the announcements yesterday so instead of complaining on here I went to Dave Bradshaw and put the complaints to him, re the announcer and timings
The guy who has been doing it all year phoned the club 2 hours before the Halifax game and pulled out so a replacement had to be found in two hours the Genesis guy kindly stood in and also the original announcer said he wasnt going to be doing any more games so again the genesis guy stood in, he was given a running order but the band ran slightly over time (and they played yesterday for about a tenth of their normal fee) as a result of these timings it all went wrong and (IMO) it would seem the announcer did not use common sense and altered it himself, he will not be doing it again he has been thanked for stepping in at short notice but the job is now 'vacant'.'"
Well done for addressing the matter directly, Fred.
I was going to say we couldn't hear him in the West Stand about 10 yards away! Hopefully, it will be done professionally next season.
On a more positive note, I would likd to praise the girl acrobats. I thought they were sensational yesterday and, again, got virtually no appreciation from the crowd. Maybe everyone had other things on their mind!