Quote king of the shed="king of the shed"You know that it's Simms' choice and not MP's for certain? From what I've read it's MP that wants the clear out.'"
Possibly so, but would the "director of all things rugby" not step in and point out that Luke is Salford's current longest serving player and a shining example of the academy and factually year in year out Salford's top tackler ?!
Top tackler in a team that factually has the ball less than any other team in play! whats the lad gonna do ?
And as Lien quite rightly points out doesn't that leave Salford with minimal "Salford Trained players" as required for The Super League Criteria?
I dont suppose that matters too much to the likes of SS, who seems happy to pad out the squad with oversea players... crocked oversea's players who don't as much play a single game. Christ had Bailey not held his hands up then we'd still be paying him! Makes you wonder exactly how much money is wasted at our beloved club.
BACK THE COACH - I here you cry..... well as long as SS is at the club, any coach of ours will simply be a puppet for SS dirty work. Full control of the squad... my hairy ring piece.
Besides I wouldn't be surprised if Adamson left of his own accord. All that hard work and for what? Scares me to wonder who might put those 850+ tackles in next year... Neale maybe :/
Myler! Turner! Ratchford! and now Adamson and Sidlow, All exciting academy players who were stifled by our coaching system. Players that would have been coached and nurtured properly anywere else. They know that and so do we. Cant blame the likes of Steph.. Dont think he woulda turned Cas - Hull or even Widness down given half the exciting chance.