Quote westjba="westjba"
relevant to whom? '"
More relevant to the people (like Adrian Morley) who are playing you fool
All of your questions and criticisms would be answered had you managed to read the article.
"I love Terry," said Morley. "I was really pleased I got the chance to go to his funeral.
"There is no better way to try to make him proud of us than by doing well out there and representing him.
"There are a lot in the squad for whom Terry meant a lot to so it would be a fitting way to pay tribute to him."
Thats what Adrian Morley is doing, paying tribute to a former colleague and a friend. A personal way of honouring his memory, to him. He also expects other who he knows to feel similar to do something similar. Nothing more.......
Quote westjbaIm sure MG family would disagree with you, especially knowing thier husband/son/father fought to stay,'"
Im sure they would like people to honour him either way, and im sure they would like people to pay tribute to the man for the way he lived, not the way he died.
Quote westjbaTN family will always have unanswered questions and tormented minds, he chose to leave,'"
he did, they will, and thats just sad for everyone.
Quote westjbaall im saying is, all this tosh about doing it for TN?? just do it for the fans, the ones that actually care if you win or lose!!'"
why do it for 'the fans' what have you done that is so great it deserves Adrian Morley going out there and doing it for you?
How about the players do it for themselves, they do it for their reasons and in the way they see fit? How about if Adrian Morley wants to go out there and try and give 1% extra for a friend who died we just accept its a nice gesture from him and cheer him on? Why does he need to have his reasons and motivation for playing judged by you?