Quote fat bull slim="fat bull slim"Maybe Potter has said to Herbert that Briggs has had two very good games while you been out so you have to prove to me that i should keep you in. If not Briggs back in for St Helens game but i think not Aussies like to stick together, if Herbert was English i think he would be shipped out to Halifax on loan.'"
I have to agree fat bull.. i think that is what potter has done! Iwould put my house briggs is back in next week and herbert is dropped again.
He played ''better'' in the sceod half not great! but the first three times we got down to quins line i think it was herbert that made the error on all three occasions if not defo 2 out of the 3! threw hospital passes throughout the first half!
I do not like down-talking any bulls player however he never looks like he wants to be on the park... does anyone else see this??
However aside that great 2 points and outstanding performance from Royston. get him signed for anoher 2 yrs!
Got to love Rob powell's comments-
"I thought we were the better team overall, but when we had the ball five metres out from their line we kicked it dead four times''
"With Bradford's players, you've got a group of people who are tired and then get the ball back on their 20-metre line when we should be attacking again''
Alright it was a fairly even game but we forced them into them errors with solid defence(most of the time)
Its very rare a team lose by three scores and be the better side.. and that defo didnt happen today!