Quote tigertot="tigertot"Adey, I posted this previously - you might have missed it amongst the millions of others you have admirably being responding to - I was at a club in the mid-80s that went belly up (I guess it was admininstration) but none of the players left. We just carried on as if nothing happened. What is to stop the bUlls players doing this (apart from lucrative offers elsewhere)?'"
My guess is that a lot will depend on the attitude of the RFL. If they see the pre-pack admin that Adey describes as being in place, or some other realistic attempt to rescue the club around the corner, I suspect that they would warn off predators from within RL, in order to get a viable team playing at their stadium - and thereby to protect their investment. Of course, they could do nothing about offers from outside the game (RU?), other than in some form to guarantee the players' income in the short term.
Conversely, if the RFL were to see Bradford as a lost cause, I suspect that they would offer Salary Cap exemptions in order to protect our players and find them further employment in the game as soon as possible.
Purely supposition on my part, of course.