Quote LS16_Rhino="LS16_Rhino"My opinion doesn’t make me a fool my friend. I’m forced by legislation, to purchase a T.V. licence. I have no choice, there is on consumer decision, there is no informed choice. I HAVE to buy a licence!'"
You do have a choice. Admittedly that choice would leave you without a TV but still you do have a choice.
Quote LS16_Rhino="LS16_Rhino"This means that the Been have no commercial pressure to produce quality programming, only an obligation which the continue to fail with.
Let’s take the Chris Moyles show on Radio 1. There is a staff of 14 to produce that particular show – 14. I have a friend that hosts a breakfast show on a commercial radio station which, in my opinion produces a quality output – this show has a staff of three.
Why does it take 14 people to produce one 3.5 hour show? Simple answer, it doesn’t but because there are no commercial constraints imposed they can continually be frivolous with my cash.'"
Is that staff of 14 purely for the Chris Moyles or do some of them do jobs for the shows before or after as well?
Quote LS16_Rhino="LS16_Rhino"Their sport output is bordering on nonexistent and the little coverage they give to RL is poor by comparison.'"
The sport is covered fairly well on 5Live, and whilst their coverage to RL is very poor it is no different than any other media outlet.
Quote LS16_Rhino="LS16_Rhino"You my friend are harping back to an era where there were only two channels and the BBC was outputting, by comparison, quality programming. Those days are long gone and Auntie needs to move with the times but, like yourself, they’re stuck in the past with absolutely no pressure to bring them into the 21st century.'"
What like the quality churned out by ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and Sky tonight?
All star Family Fortunes
X Factor
I Dreamed a Dream - Susan Boyle
Channel 4:
The Worst Christmas Jobs in History
Come Dine with Me
Epic Movie
Channel 5:
Highland Emergency
Raid on Entebbe
CCTV Cities
Sky One:
Some real quality there from the commercial channels. The best things are probably the re-runs of Simpsons.
If you seriously think that RL will get a higher priority on a commercial channel you're kidding yourself. We get p!ssed off at the lack of coverage by the BBC, well compare that to the total utter non-existent coverage on ITV, C4 and C5, and lets face it we only get some coverage on SKY because of the TV deal.