Quote FC Wembley 08="FC Wembley 08"Cos it's a cheap shot merchant getting what he deserves, i agree Radford should be sent of for it as it isn't in the sprit of the game.. However, not on the pitch i hope someone does a proper job on the windy pr1ck.
Why don't you volounteer fool? You fish smelling fools seem to run on the pitch during the game anyway? Grab your stilleto and go looking for Bailey yourself instead of pimping out the rough stuff to someone with balls.
That wouldn't be Radford though. The pussy had to wait till Bailey was on the ground and not looking. Then he gets his cheap shots in before his team mates arrive to "restrain" him. Awesome. F****d you for the playoffs with one weak punch.
Still as cheap as his shots were (he must buy his punches from Poundland where you Hull fools get your clothes from), at least he was man enough to shake after the game. You Hull fools are not worthy, even of that cheap shot, pussy, game loser.
I will be putting you out of my misery with a cap in the dome if I see any of you at Old Trafford. I guess you're all 100% safe though, no chance of you appearing there.
Fur Q.
Fur Q very much.