Final word from me, just to clear up a couple of things:
I don't recall ever saying that stealing is a 'miner' (sic) offence. I've had stuff stolen too - stuff I cared about and which had meaning to me - so I know the impact it can have. I also know what losing loved ones feels like... there's simply no contest I'm afraid. I'd give up everything I possess to have (eg) my mum back for just one day. Anyone who thinks that's weird is either a liar or just a cold hearted b**tard. The best possession in the world doesn't come close to the value of even the lowliest human life. To know that people think otherwise is very, very disturbing and I think it should be challenged.
Which I suppose leads into the way some have tried to paint my stance as somehow condoning theft or even manslaughter (citing the risk to rail passengers as your example). To that I'd simply say, don't be so stupid! You know damn well (or should do) that it's a ridiculous conclusion to leap to.
I understand what Bren2K said and would invite anyone who doesn't to use THEIR noggins instead. Actions have their consequences and criminal acts, either by intent or chance, carry their appropriate punishments. You can argue till the cows come home about how harsh those punishments are but, in this country at least, NONE of them are death.
Sometimes a death is ironic (Darwin Awards), but overriding that is the fact that any death is tragic. However that death might have come about, it's not justice, it's not fair and it's not comeuppance, it's simply tragic. If you think otherwise then perhaps you should go find a less enlightened state to exercise your views in, like Saudi Arabia or the USA.
I've played enough of a part sending this thread off topic so that'll do me. Have fun.
Quote vastman="vastman"As for the Daily Mail, give it a rest as that is the most tired of left wing intellectual cliche nonsense - it just DEFINES the opinions of a certain sector of society who are no better or worse than most others.'"
Typo corrected.