Quote Cecil B="Cecil B"It'll be the same situation as a few years ago when the SL clubs decided that in order to admit Catalans to the SL they would evict the bottom 2 clubs the following season thus allowing the NL1 champions to be promoted along with Catalans. Widnes proposed that rather than relegating 2 sides SL relegated no-one and added 2 teams thus increasing SL to 14 teams. Surprise, surprise the big clubs in SL who know they wouldn't be in danger of filling the bottom 2 places the following season voted against increasing the league and so having to further 'spread the wealth'.'"
If I recall correctly, from a meet the directors supporters club evening back when that decision was made, we were told that Cas had voted to keep the league at 12 teams, rather than take a cut in TV revenue. I was surprised at that at the time.