Quote 007="007"You obviously have the short memory,do the names,Guttenbiel,Higgins,McGoldrick,Wainwright,Westerman,Dixon,Williams,Thackery,Henderson,Huby,Charles,Donlan,Lupton,etc,etc,etc,mean anything at all to you,without these players laying the platform for him,he wouldn't have had half the influence he did,I think the phrase "single handedly" may upset just a few of these people,as for Brough,he had the chance to stay and deciced to bail out,you are the one with the misguided loyalty.'"
Danny Brough scored 324 points for us in our promotion year, if you think we could have got promoted without them points then you are very wrong. The players did have input on us getting promoted and probably Thackery the most (apart from Brough) but without Danny we wouldn't have gone up, without that cutting edge we wouldn't have got promoted, without all those 40-20's we wouldn't have got promoted, without those SL quality kicks we wouldn't have got promoted, without that SL playmaker at HB we wouldn't have got promoted...see where I'm going with this?